Tag Archives: The Tipping Point

Assignment 2: Brainstorming

In our 2nd Seminar we were asked to get into small groups and brainstorm one part of the book The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell.  Our group of 3 focussed on the Stickiness Factor chapter. To begin, we wrote as many ideas and words associated to the chapter, then tried to come up with ideas to solve the problems. For instance, in this chapter, we wrote many problems concerning Sesame Street and how it was not ‘sticky’ with the kids, then wrote possible solutions like  letting the children watch the programme at nursery then after the show let them draw memorable parts and characters. This allows the kids to remember the particular bit chosen better and may make them pay attention more.

Next, we discussed how design could be related to the ‘Stickiness Factor’. This took A LONG TIME. We came up with weird things like “textiles relates as they could make inspired costumes from Sesame Street for the kids to wear whilst watching the show”. Then we started to get possible ideas that could actually work: create ipods in the shape of sesame street faces and have educational play station games etc.

To finish we made an A2 poster showing where our thinking took us.

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The Tipping Point Mind Map

In our design theory we have been studying the book The Tipping Point. We had to create mind maps for each chapter of the book using Tony Buzan’s Mind Mapping techniques.

We were also told to pick a section of The Tipping Point that we were interested in and add as much detail as we could. I chose chapter seven: Suicide, Smoking, and the Search for the Unsticky Cigarette.

After creating these mind maps I find I understand the book much better. I believe mind mapping is a great aid for studying as they are visually stimulating and concise. I have added code-words and images to help me remember certain things.

We then had to produce an annotated bibliography in Harvard style and instead of just annotating one section of the book I annotated the WHOLE book! Oh well… least I’ve really had a good read of the book. To view my annotated bibliography please click on the link below then again at the new window.

Harvard Referencing TABLE

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